How to choose compression stockings, knee-length and tights for varicose veins

Varicose veins are one of the most acute problems of modern man, which can be faced by everyone due to age, professional employment and a number of other reasons. Of course, at the slightest suspicion of the development of varicose veins it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, who will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

To achieve maximum effect, conservative treatment involves an integrated approach that includes the use of medications, physiotherapy, massage, and more. Also part of the treatment is wearing special compression garments, which will be discussed.

The effect of compression stockings on varicose veins on the legs

Use of compression garments

Before you talk about why you need compression underwear, you need to understand what constitutes varicose veins, only then will become aware of the principle of operation of special socks, tights and golf.

Veins are the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart. Varicose veins are a disease in which these vessels undergo numerous pathological changes. In particular, the veins lengthen and widen, their walls become thinner and the pathological process is accompanied by the formation of vascular nodules.

In addition, with varicose veins, the function of the venous valves, which are designed to allow blood to circulate in the heart (above), is disrupted. Valve failure and deformation of the venous bed causes blood to stagnate, which in turn causes an increase in pressure inside the blood vessels, a process called varicose veins.

The principle of compression, created by specialized underwear, is the pressure externally on expanded vessels. Compression of the dilated superficial veins causes redistribution of blood flow that is directed into deep vessels. Because of this, the extra load is removed from patients who are unable to function normally and blood circulation is restored.

Properly selected underwear puts different pressures on certain parts of the foot. It looks like this:

  • The highest degree of compression is on the lower part of the limb, on the lower part of the lower leg;
  • In the middle of the lower leg, the compression is 30% lower, which is 70% of the maximum compression;
  • Closer to the knee, these figures decrease even more and so on, it depends on the type of underwear and the degree of disease.

Such an approximate diagram shows that the pressure at the lowest section must be higher because the movement of blood on this side requires much more effort, i. e. more pressure. The higher the blood flow, the lower the intravenous pressure, thus relieving the load from the veins.

Compression stockings for varicose veins

Properly selected compression underwear improves blood circulation, allowing you to improve the condition of the patient with varicose veins, eliminate the processes of stagnation in the vessels. At the same time, the most natural conditions of blood circulation are provided, thanks to which this method of maintenance therapy is completely safe.


If we talk about the cases in which it is indicated to wear compression underwear, the answer is basically one - varicose veins. This means that from the first stage of development of the pathological process and ending with the most difficult - the third stage, doctors prescribe the use of such underwear.

But also compression underwear may be needed for the prevention of varicose veins if there is a suspicion of developing this disease. In general, we can distinguish the following, more specific instructions:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Prevention of the disease, especially in the presence of factors contributing to its development;
  • Diagnosis of varicose veins - as part of a comprehensive treatment and to prevent its progression;
  • Postoperative period - If surgeries were performed to eliminate severe forms of varicose veins.


Despite the safety and safety of this method of prevention and treatment, there are many contraindications to wearing compression underwear:

  • Severe forms of venous thrombosis, which often develop in the late stages of varicose vein progression;
  • Active inflammatory processes in the lower extremities of various etiologies, especially purulent;
  • Aortoarthritis;
  • Endoarthritis;
  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Skin damage.

It is also very important to choose the right compression products. Underwear should fit the patient and under no circumstances should it press on the legs as this can cause numbness, even more severe circulatory disorders and even deformity of the lower extremities.

At the same time, a large laundry, i. e. too loose, does not provide the necessary compression, therefore the therapeutic effect will be negligible or reduced to zero.

Types of compression underwear

Depending on the situation in which the compression underwear is used, the nature, the degree of progression of the pathological process, its scale and a number of individual factors, the doctor may determine the specific type of underwear. You can conditionally divide the attributes to create a compression into 4 types:

Compression stockings for varicose veins
  1. Tights- The most common and very effective type of decoration that has a compression effect. To choose the right size tights, you need to make sure that they reach up to the waist and not higher or lower. Also, they should not be too loose, but at the same time, make sure they do not catch on your feet, thighs, in. According to patient reviews, tights are easy to remove, but in the process of dressing them you have to make an effort to evenly distribute the product made with the compression garment. One of the main advantages of tights is that there are special models for women.
  2. Socks- In principle similar to pantyhose, but only reaches the middle of the thigh (the same criterion is a guarantee of the correct size), also can not help in any way during pregnancy. In other words, the socks are designed exclusively for the feet, limited to the thighs. In addition, even with the right product, many patients complain that the socks bend during the day. This is not only less convenient, but also negatively affects the compression distribution.
  3. Sock on the neck- Designed mainly for cases when varicose veins affect the leg, especially the shin, without climbing. Above the knees, like special socks, are more often used by men, but there are also female models. In addition, this type of underwear is more suitable for sports because tights partially impede movement in the lumbar region, which is unacceptable when performing certain exercises.
  4. Elastic bandage- Does not apply to underwear, but is still a compression product. The good thing about the bandage is that it does not need to be sized, it is also suitable for people of any body size and is a much cheaper option. To use it, it is enough to fasten the affected areas, but in this case it is very important to clearly distribute the tension to provide the necessary compression, this factor is a serious drawback.

ᲨNote!Underwear for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins is made with a special compression garment. This material is elastic and also initially implies a strict classification, i. e. division according to compression and size. It is important to consult a doctor when choosing underwear and buy only from a pharmacy.

Features of use

The main advantage of tights, socks and golf is that when you buy them you immediately get a product that is guaranteed to perform its functions (provided that you choose the right size). This means that it is enough to just put on underwear, evenly distribute it, after which it will begin to have a healing effect.

Tights, socks, knee-length and socks can be worn all day long, regardless of the type of work. However, it is still important to consult a phlebologist in this matter, who will give accurate recommendations regarding the duration of wearing and the difficulties of use, because each case of the disease is unique.

In addition, in order for the laundry to last long, it must be handled properly:

  • Wear carefully to avoid damaging the compression garment.
  • Underwear should be worn only on dry skin (if you have used the cream before, wait until it is completely absorbed).
  • To evenly wear tights, socks or knee-highs, first put your hand in them, then evenly and gradually spread your leg.
  • Experts also recommend wearing underwear as soon as you wake up in the morning, ie before getting out of bed.

Using a bandage

An elastic bandage is a cheap and at the same time unpretentious tool. However, for its proper use it is important to master at least the basics of limb bandaging techniques for varicose veins. To do this, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. The bandage is cut from the bottom to the top, starting from the foot, the toes, then the ankle, moving upwards. Due to the nature and spread of varicose veins, you can start from the lower part of the lower leg, without affecting the leg.
  2. Apply the strips slightly overlapping, this is the maximum efficiency and this technique will also prevent the bandage from slipping or unfolding.
  3. If the leg is wrapped, the heel remains free when moving to the shin, and the loop is placed crosswise when connecting between the ankle and the thigh.
  4. Do not roll the roll too much, it should be collected, placed almost close to the foot, so as not to create unnecessary tension.
  5. Remember that the compression should be higher on the lower leg while the tension is gradually reduced during the ascent.

There is a way to check that the bandage was used correctly. Upon packing, the fingers become cyanotic, which should disappear after 2-3 minutes. If there was no cyanosis at all, the bandage is very loosely wrapped, if the effect is maintained, you have achieved a very strong compression, close the bandage, make a leg and try again.